Quickie post.
Weighed in today, and I am still 148.4lbs. That’s 4 weeks in a row now. I won’t complain though. With my thyroid issues right now I’m really just happy to not gain plus I’ve lost 45lbs this year I think my body is still catching up with that.
I’m less than 48 hours until my half and I am freaking sick AGAIN! How unfair is this? I was sick in April for my first race, and now for my second I’m freaking sick again. Different kind of cold but still SO annoyed!! Oh well, I’m going to run it and do my best and pump myself full of drugs again and then take next week off of running to heal and recoup and be all set for my 15km in October. Still mad.
Baby now has 4 teeth. Two on top have both broken through now so that is a good thing since it means she is going to be less cranky but makes me worry about possible biting. I think I may have to stop nursing when I go back to work in 9 days.
So overall I’m okay with not losing weight, really nervous for the race because of my cold, wanting to cry because of leaving my baby soon and my hubby has the afternoon off so I get some alone time to do some shopping while he practices being a stay at home dad. Wish him luck!
- 5 days left.
- Countdown.