Training Tuesday and Weekend Wrapup.
So last week was not quite how I expected. I planned to not run on the weekend as I was going to be away visiting my father’s side of the family from Friday to Sunday, but when I attempted to do my second run on Thursday I was so tired and incredibly sore in the morning that I couldn’t do it. So I ended up just doing 1 30 minutes run on the treadmill and 1 strength workout.
I’m okay with this. It was a rest week after all, and Zack had a very rough week where he didn’t sleep much and when he did could only do so sleeping in my lap or in my arms, so that means while I did get a bit of sleep, it was not at all comfortable! I suspect that is why I had such a sore body and was unable to
My family visit with my dad’s side of the family went very well. It takes about 4 hours to drive there, so in the 8 hours driving, Zack cried for about half of them. That was really hard for me, but Steve was great and did a lot of the driving. Sadly Zack didn’t sleep very well either. Most of his night sleeping was done in my arms, and that was exhausting for me. But the girls had a fantastic time seeing their Opa and Grandma, and also seeing their Oma and Grandpa and Zack had a great time being cuddled by everyone!
- Crafty fun.
- Such a busy month.