Feeling frustrated
Do you ever feel like no matter how much you do or give, people never seem to think it’s enough? I’m feeling that way at work right now. I’m down to 10 work days before my maternity leave (1 is a holiday and 1 a vacation day), though it’s really only 8 and everytime I cross something off my To Do List someone else comes in and I end up adding 2 or 3 more. It’s very frustrating and I don’t like it. I have brought work home twice now on the weekends, and was very sick this week so I haven’t been my usual speed, but it was also a really stressful week and I’m just thankful I made it through. But for example, on Tuesday I emailed some people about my co-advisor being absent on Thursday and Monday (tomorrow) and reminded them that I was unavailable Wednesday and had a vacation day Thursday. I come back Friday and have panicked voice mails from them about how all these students were looking for an advisor and no one was there. Hello! I everyone a reminder email on Tuesday, because I’m supposed to let them know if we aren’t available. I don’t appreciate being made to feel bad when I did everything I’m supposed to. Now tomorrow, I have to package some important things, see my OB, attend a 3 hour meeting and another coworker expects me to cover the advising hours my coadvisor usually does on Mondays because we weren’t available as much as expected last week. Um, NO! I spent 5 hours this weekend doing work because it was due at 9am on Monday, I’m canceling my vacation day this week because I’m so stressed about getting work done (when my OB wants me to be relaxing and taking it easy not stressing as badly as I am) and I have to leave by 2:30pm to pick my daughter up form daycare. Forgive my language but what the hell! I haven’t even eaten lunch anywhere but my desk for the last two weeks.
I completely lost it this weekend because of all this, and my poor husband had to pick up all the pieces and try to calm me down. I’m so stressed about getting everything done, and I know it won’t happen and to me that just isn’t acceptable. But I have decided I am just going to say NO to all new requests I get, and I started with the coworker who expects me to advise tomorrow. I sent an email explaining how busy I am and how I find it unfair that I am expected to cover everything all the time. I feel better having done that but am a bit worried about what my blood pressure will be tomorrow at my OB. Oh well, wish me luck!
- Slacking a bit.
- Countdown.