Alice's Mommy Blog

The road back is a long one.

So I’m starting to eat healthy this week in order to prepare for my healthy eating and weight loss that I’m starting next week and honestly it’s hard. I currently need A LOT of coffee to get through a day so I need to either switch from my lattes (which I love) to coffee with milk and sweetner, or move to tea, or not drink so much caffeine. I don’t really like any of the options. So now I have started swapping some of my yummy snacks for healthy ones, but it’s a lot harder than I remember. I think part of the problem for me this time around is that I have just had the baby less than a month ago and haven’t fully set up a routine yet. Plus I find that I am S-T-A-R-V-I-N-G this time nursing. With Lillian it wasn’t so bad, but again longer time after Lillian before I started fixing things in my life.

I know I am one of those people who eats more food when I’m sleep deprived so that is something I really have to work on. I figure if I make my afternoon and morning snacks fruit and veggies only then that should really help to keep me full without having too many extra calories. I’m also a little bit paranoid about how my milk will be when I start eating less. I had so many problems with Lillian that I can’t help being a bit paranoid. But since none of my pants fit me (other than maternity clothes) I NEED to get off my butt (which is hard when all you do is nurse a baby – I can’t feed the peanut and move around) and work off some of this baby fat.  Speaking of pants not fitting I feel super disappointed that I have to start all over again with this. I know that I have a beautiful, healthy baby girl and should be thrilled about that but I feel sad about how huge I am and need to start over.

So let’s get ready for the long road back and hopefully it won’t take so long this time.

3 thoughts on “The road back is a long one.

  1. Christine

    You can do it no problem!
    Try changing just one thing at a time so you do not feel overwhelmed. Switching up the snacks for F&V is awesome!

    My advice…if you need coffee to help you through the day then please avoid the sweeteners while nursing especially…they are so not good for you. Okay I am off my rant!

    You are such an inspiration to me!!!

  2. Alice

    Yeah, I’m not a fan of sweetners. I will have splenda every now and again but that’s it. As long as I nurse (and while I was pregnant) I will avoid them and will stick to raw sugar. Much safer for me and the baby.

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