Alice's Mommy Blog

Always one bad apple.

My girls LOVE their milk and books.
I came across a bad apple the other day and I’m sorry to say that it was from a group I had always had so much respect for. I got yelled at by a cyclist. I was running on the asphalt because I’ve been told repeatedly by the runners I work with that running on concrete is bad for my knees, and a cyclist yelled at me to get on the sidewalk. I don’t appreciate being yelled at, especially when I was leaving loads of space and every other cyclist smiled and waved at me to say hello. So I know there is one bad apple in every bunch, and he apparently was this groups’ bad apple. The yelling at me bothers me more than it should, but I’m sensitive about things like that.

I had a nice long running vs. cycling etiquette talk with my coach and she had some wonderful insight, being both a running and cyclist. So now I know what to do and can be respectful to the cyclists out there and still save my knees from the pounding they get on concrete.

One thought on “Always one bad apple.

  1. Christine

    I am sorry this happen to you Alice!

    I want you to know I ALWAYS read your blog eventhough I don’t comment…I have/still am in a bad place with taking care of myself and feel like a hypocrite if I comment…but you truly are an inspiration to me!!! So impressed with your commitment and dedication!

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