Alice's Mommy Blog

Pregnant Running Sucks.

Okay, so I am now 14.5 weeks along, and have been trying to run at least 5km once a week and it is so hard. I could only go for 15 minutes (1 mile) today before I just got too tired to keep going. Today is my day off, meaning hubby and the monkey are visiting his dad, so I should be resting for how tired I am but instead I am cleaning and trying to run and trying not to each 10,000 calories. I feel like a failure right now. I said I would keep running, and not let this pregnancy stop me, but I am so tired this pregnancy and still feel sick all the time. It wasn’t this hard with Lillian but I didn’t have a Lillian to chase after either.

So now I just feel like a failure and a loser and wish that I was stronger than I am. I’ll try to run again later tonight but I don’t know how that will go. Maybe I’ll feel better in a little while, or a few days. It has been an emotional week with my Opa and everything. Maybe I’m just being too hard on myself and need to cut myself some slack.

2 thoughts on “Pregnant Running Sucks.

  1. Christine

    I would agree with your last statement!!!!
    We have NO CONTROL over our own bodies once a little one takes residence within….we have plans and hopes for doing all kinds of great things but I have never had the experience of keeping up with exercise and eating great while pregnant.

    Big hugs to you today!!!!

  2. Sarah

    I would say yes, cut yourself some slack. You still got 15min in which is good. I would also look into some other form of exercise, that might help you feel just as strong but it wouldn’t be so hard on you. Even just walking is better than nothing at all.

    AND remember how far your running came after you had Lillian, there is always time to get back, we just have to adjust our time management, you will be just fine!

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