Alice's Mommy Blog

101 Things in 1001 days.

Okay so I’m seriously excited! A friend of mine wrote a blog about doing this 101 things in 1001 days and now I am going to do this too. I find it exciting to think of having something else to work on besides cooking a baby and complaining about being unable to run. So here is a way to better myself in many different ways, and not stress out about how long I have to do it. Some will be great for my family, some are sallow, some silly, and some are just based on things I’ve wanted to do for a long time.

So some days I will be writing about this and detailing my accomplishments and how far I’m getting with them. Below you can see my list! I left a few blank so that I can add a few over the next few days and weeks. So wish me luck on this journey! I hope that you enjoy reading about my accomplishments along the way! I’m excited and nervous but I know this is going to make me a stronger person!

So today is day 0, April 18th, 2011 and my last day will be January 14th, 2014.

1. Read 20 classic books.
2. Knit 10 scarves for people I adore.
3. Quilt 10 baby quilts.
4. Teach Einstein 10 new words.
5. Write a handwritten letter every month.
6. Paint another picture for our house.
7. Don’t swear for 2 weeks.
8. Send baby photos to the great-grandparents every month.
9. Try 5 new sewing projects.
10. Don’t complain about anything for a week.
11. Reach 1001 blog posts on mommy blog.
12. Get back to my pre-pregnancy weight.
13. Finish Lillian’s baby book.
14. Finish Katrina’s baby book.
15. Finish the baby album for me.
16. Organize our photos on the backup.
17. Get a nice family photo taken and frame it in the house.
18. Go to a convention of some kind.
19. Beat my time in the Horror Hill run.
20. Run a full Marathon.
21. Run a half-marathon in under 2:22:22.
22. Hit 5,000km total run on daily mile.
23. Run at least 10km in -10 degrees again.
24. Run at least 10km in +20 degrees.
25. Sign up and complete a bootcamp.
26. Bike 100 km.
27. Buy a real running outfit.
28. Destroy 2 pairs of running shoes.
29. Go rock climbing.
30. Make a professional baby book for Peter and Nancy.
31. Plant a tree in honour of my loved ones.
32. Apply for Canadian citizenship.
33. Be in a play (tech or on stage).
34. Take my mom to a spa treatment or play.
35. Take my family on a real picnic.
36. Buy a cool spring/trench coat.
37. Learn to iron dress clothes.
38. Learn first aid.
39. Donate blood.
40. Read the Old Testament.
41. Read the New Testament.
42. Write something for Wikipedia and have is stay up for a week.
43. Do something with my wedding dress.
44. Teach the babies to swim lessons with swim lessons.
45. Take the babies to the park or library every day for 2 weeks.
46. Take the babies to Niagra Falls.
47. Spend a weekend away with my husband.
48. Volunteer for 20 hours.
49. Take my family camping.
50. Go to L.A.with Steve.
51. See a real observatory (not Waterloo).
52. Let Steve do something crazy/adventurous (sky diving, bungee jumping, hot air balloon)
53. Don’t lose my temper for 10 days.
54. Finish a crossword puzzle with no help
55. Put up a back splash in our kitchen.
56. Eat brussel sprouts again.
57. Volunteer for the cleanup at my church.
58. Go TV free for 10 days (including netflix).
59. Avoid Facebook for 10 days.
60. Have a Star Trek marathon.
61. Actually grow sunflowers.
62. Photograph the kids beside the growing sunflowers.
63. Grow 10 different fruits/veggies/herbs in our home garden.
64. Host another Hanov/Barey family function.
65. Learn to make yummy Pad Thai from scratch.
66. Learn to make yummy scones (not rocks).
67. Learn to make a yummy, authentic Black Forest Cake.
68. Try 10 new foods or dishes (at least 3 must be spicy).
69. Try 10 new fruits or vegetables.
70. Don’t eat out for 25 days.
71. Try 5 new flavours of ice cream.
72. Bake at least 3 kinds of bread from scratch (as in no bread maker).
73. Write a small program to impress Steve.
74. Ride a roller coaster and not cry.
75. Pray everyday for a month.
76. Attend weekly Mass for 6 weeks straight.
77. Complement my husband everyday for a month.
78. Get a new hot mommy hair style.
79. Reduce my clothes by a third.
80. Save up $1,000 from my allowances to save for things.
81. Photograph my second baby as much as my first baby.
82. Reduce my book collection by 10%.
83. Go to 5 concerts or shows.
84. Do pretty landscaping on our front lawn.
85. Go to the zoo.
86. Spend a rainy day resting and relaxing in bed.
87. Edit the video footage on our camera.
88. Have a successful birth for our second baby.
89. Finish the alien decorations for Lillian’s room.
100. Apply for a Master’s program.
101. Beat my record.

One thought on “101 Things in 1001 days.

  1. Janey Canuck

    Nice list, Alice!! I’m excited you are doing this, too. You have some really awesome stuff on your list.

    I can help you with the yummy Pad Thai – I took a cooking course in Thailand and have an authentic recipe that is delicious.

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