Alice's Mommy Blog

Things are going my way.

For once I get that things are going my way. So my ladies, my hubby and I are all sick. I know that for a runner that is not normally a good thing, but I am sick on a rest week. It never happens that I’m sick on my rest week. I’m excited that I managed to run my long run Friday night so I could rest this weekend. I get to start next week off with a rest day too, since I’m having my mommy friends over on Monday and some mutual friends of my hubby and me (who recently became parents) over on Friday. Funny that I somehow managed to arrange to have people over on the days that I am not supposed to run.

So with next week being a rest week I’m running 30% less than normal, which means my standard 30-45km will only be 20-35km which can easily be pulled off during nap times or even outside if the weather permits. So even though I was crazy clumsy today and dropped way too many things weekend it is good to know that I will get to take things easy next week, though I am sad I won’t get to do my next speed run.

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