Alice's Mommy Blog

Feeling the hurt.

You’ll hear more about this on Tuesday, but I’m achy today. I ran another 17-18km run today (making that 3 of the last 4 weeks) and my legs are pooped! My total time and distance this week was the highest post baby. That is a LOT of running my friends. I know it has a lot to do with the fact that boot camp ended so I had extra running days and the weather was beautiful this week allowing for longer easy runs outside with my little ladies instead of trying to get 4-5km on the treadmill done when I could. But you’ll have to wait a few more days to hear all those details.

Katrina would like to share her slinky with all my wonderful readers.
Our house is pretty quiet right now since Lillian is visiting my mother for a few days now. I’m excited to have some quality one on one time with my little itty bitty but I do miss my little lady. Steve and I are both very close to our grandparents so I feel it’s important for my girls to bond with my mother and step-father so spending time there is the best way for her to do that. Plus they live in the country so she has a huge yard to run around in and burn off some of that crazy toddler energy. It also gives me lots of time to sort through her stuff in her room and get her bed rearranged (I’m taking the top bed off her bunk bed since I smack my head on it too much). It also means I can get some nice runs in next week because I only need to push my little baby instead of both.

Today we took real advantage of her being gone, and Steve took me out for dinner. We enjoyed a lovely meal at a restaurant he’s been to a few times with work and I’ve wanted to try for some time. We had lovely adult conversation and everyone thought Katrina was too cute, and she was so well behaved. Hopefully we can try to squeeze in another special evening while we just have the early bed time baby.

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