Alice's Mommy Blog

Got my girlie back!

Today my mom brought my big girlie back and I am so happy! I’m glad that she had a wonderful time with her Oma and Grandpa. I feel it’s so important for our girls to get to know their grandparents. I know many parents who wouldn’t be able to let their kids go away for one night let alone a week, but I feel it’s good for my girls even if I miss them terribly. Once Katrina stops nursing it’ll be her turn to spend that special one-on-one time with Oma too. She is very much attached to me, and I want to make sure that she grows up strong and independent and able to be away from mommy and still manage to have a good time and be happy.

Now that my toddler is back I’m thinking about what to do with girls tomorrow. My mom is up for a job interview tomorrow so I am planning a nice breakfast for her. We also have our first CSA (community shared agriculture) veggie pick up tomorrow, so after all that we may just spend the day at home relaxing and playing around the house. I’ve got some sewing projects to work on, and a painting project and I’m sure Lillian has a lot of toys that haven’t been played with in a while that she is planning to play with. I’m excited to see what veggies we get! I love picking out my own and eating that nutritious, local goodness!

I hope you all had a nice weekend. We managed to sleep in today for the first time in months! 8:00am never felt so good!

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