Okay, so I WAS feeling all awesome about my wicked run on Sunday since I kicked the time I wanted to beats butt (finishing in 1:12 and I wanted under…
ReadmoreNothing Really New.
I think my title says it all. Nothing really new to report. I spent the day resting up after my record smashing run yesterday and visiting with my mother and…
ReadmoreRan my first 10k!
So the race is over and I did it! I ran the race in 1:12:21 which means I did it in less than 1:20 and hit my goal! Hurray. I…
ReadmoreOnly 11 Hours to Go!
So in less than 12 hours I’ll be running the Waterloo Classic. This will be my first 10k race so I’m hoping to hit my goal and complete it in…
ReadmoreEarly Weigh In.
So tonight we had company. I love to cook so company is fun for me. But since I knew we’d be eating dinner later than normal, and I don’t eat…
ReadmoreGot my Run on.
So I did my hill run today and not only did we go further than last time, and in 33km/hr winds with 55km/hr wind gusts. WooT! So while I’m very…
ReadmoreLooking forward to a hill run.
So I had a pretty cool weekend and now am looking forward to my hill run with my friend Cecilia tomorrow. I ran on both Saturday and Sunday plus a…
ReadmoreFeel like a Lazy butt.
Okay I think the title says it all. I feel like a lazy butt today. I’m really sore and tired and my husband is concerned that I’m overtraining so he…
ReadmoreI’m gonna hurt tomorrow.
So I got to my second kickboxing class tonight. Yippy! I’m especially proud since my little one wasn’t having a very good day today. She was really sleepy and napped…
ReadmoreKickboxing kicked my butt!
But in a good way. I have to say I’m feeling it today, though not as much as last year when I went for the first time ever. That just…