Alice's Mommy Blog

Being more thankful.

Part of my resolution for this year was to be happier, and along with that appreciate what I have more. So I’m going to try to blog more about what I am thankful for in my life.

I’ve followed a story about a baby on Facebook named Izzy. She was born 4.5 months ago and was a very sick little baby. I only learned of her story a few weeks ago but in that time I was really reminded of how fortunate I truly am. On Friday she lost her battle and is now in heaven. Stories like this make me so sad, but in her case her family is very religious and I believe that she is at peace and in heaven now. Even though they are so far away his story has really touched my heart. I feel for her parents because I’m a mom. They said they hope that their baby’s life gets people to have more faith in God, and honestly her story had be praying more than I usually do and has made me appreciate how blessed I am with my two girls. Lilly and Katrina are both healthy, happy and such active little monkeys that I am thanking God every single day that I have such wonderful blessings in my life.

Next I’m thankful for my husband. While we were fighting at the end of 2012 but this year I made a decision to put my happiness in my own hands and not make it anyone else’s job. And in focusing on being happy, we are doing so much better. I try to see the bright side of things, and that relaxes him about things and we interact so much better! He has also been so much kinder and more helpful since my attitude changed. I’m focused on my healthy and happiness, and that makes me more giving because it makes me happy. So I’m doing more things for him without expecting him to do things back, but he is doing things back, like handling the girls in the morning when I go to yoga, and putting them to bed at night if I’m tired. So I am thankful to have a loving husband who is being very kind, respectful and helping to me. I have my partner back and I’m thankful to have him.

Finally I’m thankful for my physiotherapist and her awesome skills. I’ve been seeing her since the start of January and my knee pain is gone, my hip is feeling better, and I am excited to be allowed to run again and can do so without pain and in a manner that will improve my running for years and years to come!

So I am truly grateful for my family, and for reminders of how special they really are.

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