Alice's Mommy Blog

Abs and Pilates.

So today I didn’t run and I SOOO missed it. I know that because I ran over 9 miles on both Friday and Wednesday I needed a break for my poor little legs, so today I did some Pilates that focuses on my abs. So tomorrow I will find out if the video is actually doing something, based on whether or not I can move my core around tomorrow. Either way I hope to run tomorrow. If the weather sucks outside I’ll have to run inside but that’s okay because then I can watch TV while I run. 🙂

So not a long post tonight, I’m tired. Best of luck to everyone on their journeys and hope tomorrow is a good day for you all.

One thought on “Abs and Pilates.

  1. Dina

    yeah to you! if you want a super ab workout try power90 by beach body. The instructor is kind of goofy but if you turn the sound off it is a great workout!

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