Alice's Mommy Blog

Horror Hill Run Results.

 So I finished my Horror Hill Run today, and honestly it didn’t go near as good as I had hoped and planned. I ended up coming in dead last (which means I had a police escort), but that’s okay. I ran a 8:13/km pace, and my best is far faster than that. It took 2:03 for me to finish the race.

The four Hanovs.

I didn’t feel so great last night, and then this morning I felt really sick. After my thyroid pill it got worse, and then I had to force myself to eat my oatmeal and my tummy was still upset. Then at the race it was very windy and cold, and my legs were NOT feeling it.

At the 2km mark heading to the horror hill. Alice, Steve, Lillian and Cecilia.

If my friend Cecilia hadn’t been there I probably would have given up at the 5km mark and headed home. That’s the part of the race that was 1.2km away from my house. But in the end I pushed on and now am over my fear of coming in last, and next year Steve had better watch out because I will kick his butt, next time. One funny thing was my police escort had to wait for me while I snuck into the bush to pee at the 9km mark.

In all honesty I had to take my run really easy. I could have pushed myself harder but wasn’t allowed to. To the right is the group photo of when my mom brought Lillian to the race to take a photo. It’s just past the 2km mark and as you can see there are 5 people in this photo, and it was the silly 5th person who made me have to run slow, and feel a nauseous and not be at my best. But that’s okay, because these are the sacrifices you make when you’re a mom.

2 thoughts on “Horror Hill Run Results.

  1. Christine

    You finished it!!!! Yeah!!!
    The 5th person….am I guessing right??? From the comment you left on my blog!?!?!
    Love the 5th person!!!!!

    Congratulations Alice on running the must feel amazing for even running it at this point….not physically speaking but emotionally.

    You are an amazing person and MOM!!!
    Thanks for your support to me!

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