Alice's Mommy Blog

Need help with short, speed work.

I did another long-ish run today. I finally really broke the 10k mark at 10.3km in 85 minutes doing 4.0/5.0 sets followed by straight running from 5.0 down to 4.5 in 5 minute increments. I love these runs because I know they are really working to melt away the fat that is making me so psycho about my appearance. Today I even made up a song while I was running about how I run to lose my flab, and keep me from going mad. I can’t remember the tune anymore but it made me laugh at the time. 

And, now I need your help! Okay ladies, gentlemen and my hubby who reads this blog, I need some assistance from you all so it’s time to vote. I was told years ago by a trainer that when I do my speed work I should be EXHAUSTED at the end of it. This doesn’t mean running for 90 minutes in sets, like I’ve done for the past few days, but rather 10 sets of 2:30 where I feel like I’m done for by the 9th set. Right now walking at 4.0 and running at 5.0 just is NOT cutting it. I can go 20 sets, 23 sets, etc… at this pace and I’m thinking that for a long run it works for me but for a 30 minute quick work out while my kids are sleeping. So here is what I need help with. I am trying to figure out how much to push this so that I get a real workout in these 30 minute speed runs and not a never ending set.

Option A –> speed up my walking and bump up my running
Move from 5.0/4.0 to 5.2 running and 4.5 walking. This way I’m doing a more continuous pace without slowing down too much or getting a major rest.

Option B –> speed up my running and bump up my walking
Move from 5.0/4.0 to 5.5 running and 4.2 walking. My old walking speed was 4.2 and has been 4.0 as of late, so it isn’t too much more. The running speed is also my old running speed. If I find that I have too much energy after 10 sets I will try moving the 60 running/90 walking up to 70/80 and then make the call. I can always go to running at 5.7 or 6.0.

Option C –> bump up my speed and drop my running
Move from 5.0/4.0 to a crazy 6.0 running and a relaxing 3.5 walking. This way I’m really forcing myself to run and push myself but giving myself more than enough rest time in between.

So my blog reading running friends, what do you think I should do?? I’ll let you know what I decide and how it goes in my next run.

2 thoughts on “Need help with short, speed work.

  1. Cecilia

    Option C but only once a week. True speedwork is not an everyday thing. The majority of your runs should be at a conversational pace. This is how you build the base on endurance you’ll eventually need to run a 4:59 marathon.

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