Alice's Mommy Blog

Outside Run

Katrina likes her toes.

So in Canada the weather has gotten rather nippy. That tends to happen around this time of year. Today it was -6 degrees, feels like -14 when you take into account the 26km/hr winds with gusts of 37km/hr. Yet, we still managed to run outside. Yes, you read that right, we, as in me, the ladies and my husband. I’m so thankful that he pumped up the tires beforehand too. At first we felt really cold but then, after a little distance and running a direction that didn’t have open fields around it we started to warm up and feel awesome. In the end we added a little bit at the end in order to move it over 6km and both girls were happy during the run. We played happy, kiddie music through the Ipod and Lillian was singing along with it. We used their wind cover and I am happy to know that both girls will rest nicely even if it’s -14 degrees. My girls love being in the stroller, and I’m so thankful for that. I guess we started them early enough in it, and did it often enough that they enjoy it. So now I can run as I want to and even though Lillian isn’t napping so well anymore I can start picking up my outside runs in order to get the miles in.

Then after our run my husband made a lovely stir fry for dinner. I have to brag since I cook 20/21 meals a week so I love that he made dinner and it was really yummy too. I don’t really like stir fry but I tolerate it because of all the veggies that it contains and how good for me it is. But this one wasn’t too bad. Tomorrow I will make dinner. We’ll be enjoying a nice ham, with potatoes, beans, and carrots. Should be super yummy.

The other great thing is that I am getting really close to beating my most km run in a week record. I’m at 37km now (which is #6 on my most run list) so if I run 10km or more tomorrow I will have beat the record. Guess I’ll have to watch two episodes of Dexter tomorrow to get it done! Otherwise tomorrow will be a nice day with the babies and my hubby. I really hope that I manage to get everyone up early enough to make it to Mass. Wish me luck.

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