Alice's Mommy Blog


So I was all excited to have a week with just my little peanut while my toddler stayed with my mother, but then the dreaded teething struck our house.

My toddler was a great teether, and we barely noticed that she was in that stage until a tooth suddenly appeared. We learned that was why she’d been so sensitive all the time. But Katrina is not such a good teether. She screams, and cries and is obviously in serious pain. I don’t like to see her in SO MUCH pain. It’s really hard to handle. I’m now thankful that I have my little one alone here because I can really focus on her, her pain and doing whatever I can to alleviate it. I wish I could have a fabulous week with Katrina and do fun things and go out, but instead I am at home with a baby in pain and just trying to make it bearable for her. I don’t want to sound selfish but I really hope she’s over this by my birthday (Thursday) so that I can have a nice dinner with her and Steve and not worry about her screaming in the middle of a crowded restaurant.

Flying, teething monster!

So now I’ve had 4 nights in a row with little sleep, and I know I shouldn’t be complaining since my daughters typically sleep 11 hours at a stretch but it’s hard to accommodate such a huge change so suddenly. But she’s been screaming now for 5 days so I’m hoping that these little chompers will be out soon and she’ll be happy baby again.

2 thoughts on “Teething.

  1. Christine

    If it is her front teeth that she is cutting you can try her with a stick of celery…just watch that she doesn’t get a piece off but celery has a natural numbing ‘thingy’ in it and helps with the pain plus it is cold so that I am sure helps too. Good luck!! and hoping you get some sleep!

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