Alice's Mommy Blog

Motivation part 2

Me with my peanut.

I remembered this on my treadmill this afternoon today. I also am motivated by goals. I love running and I even though I’m not so great at them, I like races. I have found that training for a specific race, whether it be distance, hills, speed, etc…, really helps to keep me going with my runs. Sure I could skip this particular run but how would that effect my race in so often. Next year I am planning to run 8 races, and I’ve already registered for 6 of them! The only ones missing are the full and half marathons. So now I’m preparing for my 8 mile race in February and my 5k and half marathon in April. I like having things to strive towards.

Me after my hard run.

I had two amazing runs this week. My tempo run on Monday was awesome and I couldn’t be more happy with it. See how crazy red and sweaty it makes me?? And this was 10 minutes after running. Today I did a 10k speed hoping run. I managed to keep my average speed at 5.3mph with only my warm up and cool down being lower. I am working on building up my forever running pace to 5.3 instead of 5.2 and it seems to be going well. I did the whole run (besides the warm up and cool down) at a 2:1 ratio of 5.3 and 5.5 mph. I’m also really pleased that both of the runs from this week are the first times since Katrina was born that I ran at a sub 7 minute pace. So now I have lots to aim for both with training for races and for my speed on the treadmill and outside.

I can’t wait for my races in 2012. I’m gonna ROCK them!

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