Alice's Mommy Blog

Friday Favourites – crazy cravings

So this Friday favourites was inspired by my husband asking me a question about my last pregnancy. While pregnant with Lillian I craved fruit so badly that I ate a whole watermelon in one day, but with Katrina he never really saw me eat much fruit or many vegetables and wanted to know why I didn’t eat better when I knew all the weigh I was gaining would need to be lost again afterwards.

Pre-pregnancy, or possibly a few days pregnant.

What he didn’t realize or ever be able to understand is that for most of my pregnancy raw veggies made me feel sick to my stomach with serious gas issues, and cooked ones just made me feel nauseous. The worst of them all was peppers. I couldn’t even smell them without getting heartburn. I also found that fruit didn’t taste very good. With Lillian, my taste buds had changed so fruit tasted sweeter and I just wanted more and more of it. But with Katrina it almost tasted bitter, so that made it hard to eat a lot of fruit. Really the only food I could tolerate were carbs, dairy and protein.

39 weeks and the size of a house!

During the first half of my pregnancy I felt nauseous all the time. The only thing that actually helped was to eat. It sounds crazy but right after eating was the only time that I didn’t feel gross. So I tended to eat often, though I couldn’t eat much at a time. I just ate often and I mean that. Sadly that is where a lot of the weight came from. I became very stressed about the whole thing, and that made my stomach ache worse. Ultimately I wasn’t over eating because I was pregnant but rather I was eating to survive the pregnancy.

To really did try and avoid all this weight gain by running for part of my pregnancy, but the first trimester I was too tired and so I could only run from around 15 weeks to 32. Though I’m proud of myself for running as long as I did. In the end I love my little baby and would happily do it all over again if I had to. I’d even do it a hundred times if I had to. She’s the apple of my eye, both her and Lillian make me the happiest mom alive.

Worth every ounce I gained!

So to all the pregnant ladies out there and all the moms trying to drop the weight, I feel your pain and you are not alone! But at least I didn’t gain the +80lbs Haley did! I’ll always have that!

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