Alice's Mommy Blog

Thinning Thursday (or not).

I think the title says it all today. I gained 0.8lbs this morning, but it’s no big deal. I ate so much delicious salty, sushi on Tuesday that I don’t care if I went up. I’m getting very serious this week and extra dedicated (translation crazy strict tracking) and it will be gone next week and then some! Now onto happier things and news.

I had a nice little run today. I went out with my Garmin but locked it on the time and date screen so I would run by feel. I figured with a race in a such a short time I should run by feel and not by pace. A little preview for next week’s training Tuesday, this was my fastest run since Katrina and possibly ever. C-R-A-Z-Y!! So that really helped make my day.

I also started working on a new garden in my back yard today. I figured that I would like to have a little more space for my vegetables this summer so we can have a lot of good stuff to go with my CSA veggies. I also, built a little garden for each of the babies so they can have a place to dig and play while I work on my gardens. Now I have to paint the signs for the girls’ area. We are going to be eating well this summer, which is perfect for my marathon training. Finally, Lillian made me smile today because when I went to put her to bed, I told her “no” to a book she wanted to read and she shrugged at me and asked “what book then?”. I couldn’t help but smile when she said that, and yes she got the book she wanted.

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