Alice's Mommy Blog

Carbs are getting better!

Today is my 3rd day this week that I managed to eat over 200g of carbs! In the last month I’ve only done it about 8 times so the fact that it’s happened 3 times in the past 5 days I think is a MAJOR improvement for me! (Be proud Cecilia!) I am one of those people who knows that if I avoid eating carbs, specifically wheat, I will have an easier time losing weight. So now I’m learning to enjoy my carbohydrates but I’m focusing on whole and natural ones that don’t include wheat. I’m eating more oatmeal for breakfast, getting in barely salad and a lot of veggies and such. I’m enjoying my food lately and am learning to listen to my body and eat when I am hungry and when I need to in order to carry myself through a run!

Tomorrow I will enjoy yet another huge bowl of oatmeal before my 20k run. So I hope it will sustain me for quite a bit of my run, and I have a wonderful lunch planned for when I get back! Hurray for salmon and squash!

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