Working through the chaos!
Hello blog readers, I know I said I would post about nice and running things but I’ve had some crap on my mind lately and I need a place to…
ReadmoreHello blog readers, I know I said I would post about nice and running things but I’ve had some crap on my mind lately and I need a place to…
ReadmoreI am counting down the days to my hubby’s marathon (15 days and 10 hours in case you’re curious) and spending a few days at home with my Oma with…
ReadmoreTomorrow is my longest tempo run of my whole training. 15km total running, 12km at tempo. I will have to be out the door between 5:30 and 6am to get…
ReadmoreSaturday is my typical long run day but with Steve being gone for several days now I was pretty busy today and Katrina had a bit of a rough morning…
ReadmoreMy temper erupting. Grrrr, angry Alice. So while I was complaining about the heat yesterday I purposely left out one major aspect of why I truly hate the heat, and…
Readmore**Warning today’s post has some sad stuff in it and isn’t for the faint of heart.** Lillian trying to climb my leg. So tomorrow my happy little family and I…
ReadmoreOkay so my countdown continues and I have 5 days left until my half-marathon. I did a nice little speed run tonight, going 2.3 miles at 6.0 mph, 1.6 miles…
ReadmoreOkay so it’s only 6 days until my half-marathon and I am totally freaking!! Yesterday I ran 14km and today I felt really drained until just a little while ago.…