Happy Monday!
We had a birthday in our house on Friday. My big girl is now 5! Could someone explain to me how this happened! I still remember holding her in my…
ReadmoreWe had a birthday in our house on Friday. My big girl is now 5! Could someone explain to me how this happened! I still remember holding her in my…
ReadmoreSo I’m back in Canada and happy to be here, even if this week was NUTS! So because the week is so nuts here are some trip photos. Stories will…
Readmore**Warning today’s post has some sad stuff in it and isn’t for the faint of heart.** Lillian trying to climb my leg. So tomorrow my happy little family and I…
ReadmoreSo now that the marathon is over I’m taking a few days off. I was thinking of maybe running today by my legs and lower back are still a bit…