I am humbled.
I run around my house and do everything that I can do all the time, and since Sunday I have been humbled and forced to ask for help where I…
ReadmoreI run around my house and do everything that I can do all the time, and since Sunday I have been humbled and forced to ask for help where I…
ReadmoreI finally put myself on my priority list (thanks to my 2013 goal of being happier and healthy) and got my butt to the physiotherapist on Friday to have myself…
ReadmoreI have some very dear friends in my life, and I am thankful for every single one of them. One of my friends has a family that she is close…
ReadmoreSo now that the math is out of the way we’ll discuss the all the emotions of this race; the good, the bad and the really ugly! I was not…
ReadmoreSo today there will be no real blog post. I’m feeling a bit sad at this moment. I read several blogs daily and a few of the people know each…
ReadmoreSo today I had my first treadmill fall. I planned to run outside but with 41km/hr winds I couldn’t risk the girls in the stroller, as it becomes a giant…
ReadmoreSo I was all excited to have a week with just my little peanut while my toddler stayed with my mother, but then the dreaded teething struck our house. My…
ReadmoreSo everyone has days where they wish things had gone differently and today is one of those days for me. I love my outside runs. I love them with my…