Feel like a Failure (mommywise).
I must remember to smile because she loves me. I feel like such a failure this morning. My monkey is back in a diaper after peeing 4 times in a…
ReadmoreI must remember to smile because she loves me. I feel like such a failure this morning. My monkey is back in a diaper after peeing 4 times in a…
ReadmoreSo tonight I’m feeling a bit broken. I had a horrible Saturday morning, feeling sad, angry, trapped and depressed. I’ve had a hard couple days with the babies screaming a…
ReadmoreHad my fun day with my girlfriend today and we had a BLAST! Lillian was great the whole time and just as we hit the restaurant for lunch she passed…
ReadmoreOkay so it’s pretty crazy but I still feel pretty “off” and the biggest symptom is moodiness. My poor husband. I wasn’t this moody when I was pregnant, or during…