Friday Favourites – body image
I’m one of those people who has struggled with my body image most of my life. I was fairly skinny in high school until grade 11 when I started to…
ReadmoreI’m one of those people who has struggled with my body image most of my life. I was fairly skinny in high school until grade 11 when I started to…
ReadmoreThere are a lot of opinions for what to wear and what not to wear when it comes to race attire. Some swear by a certain shirt or hat or…
ReadmoreWell we had our first bout of snow a few weeks back (November 17th it actually stayed on the ground) and I thought it might be interesting to go into…
ReadmoreOkay so today I am letting the English major in me loose to discuss my favourite childhood books that I am looking forward to sharing with my daughters!1/ Little WomenI…
ReadmoreOkay while I like all holidays, I especially like the ones that have a day off. Who doesn’t love an extra day off, and for me it usually means an…
ReadmoreFor anyone out there who is a runner you know that with completing races comes finisher medals. I have yet to run a race where I didn’t get a medal…
ReadmoreOkay, after last week’s emphasis on the sugary goodness in our lives, this week I will focus on my favourite healthy goodness that I cook regularly or have discovered. 1/…
ReadmoreTomorrow is my race! That’s 1 day people! So in honour of Halloween, this week I’m focusing on my guilty food pleasures. I figure with all the little goblins and…
ReadmoreOkay this week is a funny Friday favourites! Below are our favourite excuses (my hubby and mine) and how we handle them!Excuse 1: “I’m too tired to run”Reply: “Running makes…
ReadmoreISo this week I want to focus on my favourite tips for running when you’re a mom. 1/ Start with the jogging stroller ASAP!The sooner you get that baby into…