Countdown to 1000km!
Alright! I’m super excited! I have now run 975.11km which means I’m less than 25km away from breaking the 1000 mark! This is so CRAZY! I’m hopeful that I will…
ReadmoreAlright! I’m super excited! I have now run 975.11km which means I’m less than 25km away from breaking the 1000 mark! This is so CRAZY! I’m hopeful that I will…
ReadmoreSo Princess Cranky Trousers is the nickname we gave Lillian on a rare cranky occasion. Somehow calling it cranky trousers was so much more dignified than cranky pants and it…
ReadmoreSo in less than 12 hours I’ll be running the Waterloo Classic. This will be my first 10k race so I’m hoping to hit my goal and complete it in…
ReadmoreSo I had a pretty cool weekend and now am looking forward to my hill run with my friend Cecilia tomorrow. I ran on both Saturday and Sunday plus a…
ReadmoreOkay I think the title says it all. I feel like a lazy butt today. I’m really sore and tired and my husband is concerned that I’m overtraining so he…
ReadmoreSo I finished my half marathon 10 days ago and you know what, I’m still running. I’ve heard it takes six weeks to make something a habit and at this…
ReadmoreSo we’re back at home and back to the real world. That means cooking, cleaning, dog walking, grocery shopping, chores, and yes running. Yesterday I spent the day cleaning while…
ReadmoreSo today I had my first post-race run and it was good. I thought it would be really hard and that I would hurt but it went really well. I…
ReadmoreTime left to Waterloo Half-Marathon: 2 days, 10 hours, 40 minutes. I am so sick it sucks! My hubby has been sick for a few days and now I’ve got…
ReadmoreSo I didn’t get to run today. Lillian did great with her shots but it was crazy windy here today but that’s okay. We went for a nice walk and…